Rivista giuridica online ExParteCreditoris.it: provvedimenti e sentenze segnalate da Giudici, Avvocati e Banche. Periodico d'informazione giuridica per studi legali Direttore responsabile Avv. Antonio De Simone - ISSN 2385-1376


EX PARTE CREDITORIS is a free online law journal aimed at supporting the exigencies ofcreditors and at providing an insight on the issues regarding credit management.

EX PARTE CREDITORIS is a well-known Latin expression that literally means “by the side of the creditor”.

The main purpose of the law journal is to share the experiences achieved until today by reporting the most important decisions of the case-law and the normative news in this field of law.

Therefore, you can contribute to our journal by sending the most important decisions concerning banking law.

You can fill up the Format in the section SEGNALA UN PROVVEDIMENTO in order to extract the legal rule out of each decision.

The legal rule will be published, after a review by the editorial staff, with the insertion of the reporting lawyer and the lawyer who wrote the brief comment.

Thank you for your collaboration.

The staff


Web address:www.expartecreditoris.it

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