Rivista giuridica online ExParteCreditoris.it: provvedimenti e sentenze segnalate da Giudici, Avvocati e Banche. Periodico d'informazione giuridica per studi legali Direttore responsabile Avv. Antonio De Simone - ISSN 2385-1376


EX PARTE CREDITORIS is the first online journal wholly based on the subjects of banking law and credit recovery. It is intended to be a landmark for the national public opinion on important themes for the society.The journal, founded by expert lawyers in these fields of law, is the unique legal database capable of aiding banks through the sharing of decisions which are favorable for the banking system and provides a valid support in the management of disputes.
EX PARTE CREDITORIS represents an absolute novelty in the editorial world – for its size, content and purpose – both at a national and international level. Everybody can contribute by reporting relevant decisions or sending brief comments.In addition, every professional will have the opportunity to embed his own Curriculum Vitae and indicate his own competences and field of expertise.Each published contribution will be associated to the professional who has his personal profile in the website in order to guarantee the maximum transparency.The board reserves the right to decide whether publishing the comments in their integral form or with modifications.

Collaborations with EX PARTE CREDITORIS must be given free of charge.

The user can send the work via email to the following email address:

[email protected]


EX PARTE CREDITORIS starts with the purpose of becoming a landmark in the web, in which

everybody can publish his own legal comments on the website.

The conditions to collaborate with us are the following:

1) the collaboration with the journal is free;

2) contributions are sent for free;

3) contributions are not provided as legal advice but only for scientific purposes;

4) the editorial staff saves its right to use contributions in whichever way it considers appropriate.